Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution


  • 미술용구체관절 키워드

미술용구체관절 가격, 리뷰, 할인정보

Are you in search of a versatile and high-performance printer for professional art and image printing? Look no further! Introducing the Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer. With its cutting-edge features and exceptional capabilities, this printer is the ultimate solution for all your printing needs.

Unbeatable Features

Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

Speed and Precision

This printer is three times faster than its competitors, ensuring swift and efficient printing. Say goodbye to printing stripe defects, as this machine guarantees flawlessly printed images every time. The printing drop height is an impressive 5mm, which is 2.5 times that of other machines, ensuring exceptional printing quality.

White Ink Functionality

With the white ink function, you can now print white and color at the same time, saving valuable time and resources. This feature opens up endless possibilities for creating stunning and vibrant prints.

Wide Compatibility

The A3-6C UV Inkjet Printer supports a wide range of materials, including silicone, plastic, leather, ABS, TPU, metal, wood, acrylic, glass, ceramics, and more. Additionally, you can print on various objects such as mobile phone cases, bottles, bottle caps, wallets, dials, straps, gift boxes, golf balls, pens, CDs, USB disks, candles, balloons, stickers, textiles, canvas, clothes, and T-shirts, to name just a few.

High-Resolution Printing

Equipped with the Epson L1800 / R1390 print head, this printer provides digital high-definition printing with a maximum resolution of 5760*1440dpi. The result is stunningly sharp and vibrant prints that bring your images to life.


Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

The A3-6C UV Inkjet Printer comes with an extensive list of specifications designed to meet the highest standards of printing:

  • Print Head: Epson L1800 / R1390
  • Ink Colors: CMYK+WW (2 White)
  • Ink System: Continuous ink supply from large ink bottles
  • Printing Speed: A4 photo in just 70 seconds
  • Max Resolution: 5760*1440dpi
  • Max Printing Size: 29cm x 42cm
  • Max Media Thickness: 18cm
  • Printer Size: 76x64x56cm
  • Net/Gross Weight: 48kg/87kg

Cutting-Edge Technology

Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

This printer utilizes a self-developed industrial-grade high-precision motherboard, ensuring faster printing speeds and stronger anti-interference capabilities. The advanced image processing system swiftly identifies printed pictures in a matter of seconds, streamlining your printing workflow.

Versatility and Ease of Use

Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

The A3-6C printer stands out from the crowd with its innovative cylinder printing function. With this upgrade, the printer can now effortlessly print on cylindrical objects with a maximum diameter of 15cm.

The ACRORIP 9.03 software provides additional features such as mirror printing, controllable cylinder nozzle printing, inkjet volume adjustment, optional 2880*1440 resolution, white ink embossed coating printing, and white ink shrinking function. These features allow for customized and professional printing.

Exceptional After-Sales Service

Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

This printer comes with national joint guarantees, ensuring peace of mind and top-quality service. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you with any queries or technical support you may need.


Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer: The Ultimate Printing Solution

The Upgraded two-in-one A3 UV Inkjet Printer offers unparalleled printing capabilities for professional art and image printing. With its advanced features and superior performance, this printer will take your printing experience to new heights. Dont miss out on this exceptional product. Order now and enjoy free shipping!

Note: The information about the product and its specifications are based on the provided details. Any additional information or updates can be confirmed by contacting the manufacturer directly.

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